Change is unsettling.

Whether you’re starting a new project, entering an unfamiliar market, taking on your first leadership role, or trying to elevate your team to the next level, the transition can feel overwhelming. How can you continue to excel when faced with so much uncertainty? It’s natural to feel confused, fearful, or even stuck at such a time.

Lost at sea…

Lacking the clarity you need is like being in unfamiliar waters. Your trusty old map, which served you so well in the past, is of no help here. You don’t know where to go – or how to get there. Your boat is either drifting aimlessly, or being tossed about by strong winds and currents.

“We are all diamonds, waiting to be polished, so we can shine brighter than ever.”

Nadia Merdassi

How can I help?

Let me start by saying: I’ve been where you are. And let me assure you, it gets better – much better! By increasing awareness, building clarity, and creating a practical action map, you can embark on your new journey with a sense of optimism and joy. Both as coach and consultant, my main objective is to empower you and help you maximize your outcomes at work.

Reflect, discover, implement.

How do you perceive your new environment – and your place in it? Are you fully utilizing all your resources? Which roadblocks are hindering your progress? What are the relevant actions you can take to keep moving forward? These are some of the questions we will explore in order to uncover actionable insights. Together, we will make our way through choppy seas until you feel confident and self-assured as the captain of your boat.

Nadia Merdassi

Four Keys For Smooth Sailing

Four Keys For Smooth Sailing


Find a safe space to ask the big questions. Identifying your beliefs, values and priorities is crucial to moving ahead in a meaningful way


Like any other skill, courage takes practice. Learning to let go of fear and doubt is instrumental in succeeding at new challenges.


Transitions are a process, and results don’t appear overnight. Nurturing a longer-term outlook can help you cultivate the patience you need.


As you work on the above three keys, having an experienced guide by your side can be tremendously helpful.

Personalised Services
for Your Success


Led by Purpose, Anchored in Empathy

As a coach, I use empathetic inquiry and mirroring techniques to raise awareness, clarify objectives, and encourage growth, thus enabling my clients to thrive through big changes.

My coaching services are instrumental for:


First-time leaders and managers


Professionals facing intercultural/diversity issues


Professionals starting a challenging new position/project


Managers who wish to leverage metrics and KPIs


Clients seeking to set SMART goals and priorities


Clients seeking to level up performance through Global DISCTM


Grounded in Expertise, Primed for Solutions

As a consultant, I help companies assess vital issues, highlight roadblocks, and co-create practical solutions. My specialization lies in markets across Western Europe, Africa, India, the Middle East, and the USA.

My consulting services include:


Creating a marketing & communication strategy


Building an action plan, timetable, and budget


Providing strategic advice on product/project launch


Enhancing project management, including Agile


Clients seeking to set SMART goals and priorities


Preparing teams for change

“I don’t really have a problem.
Are your services still relevant for me?”

Even if you (or your team) don’t have a problem per se, coaching or consulting can still be a very helpful resource. My focus would be to help you optimize performance and bring your game to the next level by building self-awareness, overcoming blind spots, and maximizing your leadership trajectory.

As we sail along, we will play with sea-winds and currents to increase speed and effectiveness, as well as your enjoyment of the voyage. Not only will you reach your next destination ahead of time but also feel more enriched and happier along the way!

Meet Nadia Merdassi

Born to a Tunisian father and French mother, Nadia Merdassi grew up straddling two very different worlds. Embracing her multifaceted upbringing, she went on to master a wide variety of disciplines, including management, marketing, communications, project management, and leadership coaching. She is fluent in Arabic, English, and French.

Nadia has over 25 years of real-world experience across the corporate, nonprofit, and multilateral sectors. Most recently, she was a Program Officer at the World Bank. An empathetic listener with a deeply calming presence, Nadia is the ideal guide to have by your side on a challenging voyage.

Reflect, Discover, Implement.
Life is an adventure meant to be embraced

The Tale of the Sailboat

As you may have noticed, my logo is a sailboat moving forward – a symbol of what my services bring to individuals and organizations. I believe life is an adventure, meant to be embraced. There is no single destination on this journey; rather, we cruise from one sea to another, visiting several beautiful places along the way.

Like an abrupt shift in the sea-wind, change can come suddenly and pull you into unfamiliar waters. At such a time, having an experienced co-captain in your boat makes all the difference! I cannot change the winds, but I can certainly help you navigate strange seas and cross turbulent patches. Together, we shall visit a safe harbor to rest, reflect, and recharge so you can sail smoothly into the future.

Recommended by Clients Around the Globe

I highly recommend Nadia for anyone looking to improve or bring clarity in leadership and work organisation. Her method and expertise helped me a lot in finding the right path and balance in my professional journey. She is a coach and mentor you can count on to be there every step of the way, whatever challenges you need to overcome. And she is always available to provide guidance or just listen whenever you need support.

Anne-Elvire Buciuni, 
Communication and donor care coordinator of 
Tara Child Protection & Empowerment

Nadia coached me on how to improve my project management skills after a 3-month parental leave period. Her guidance provided me with the confidence to supervise my team and get the work back on track. Nadia is a lovely person to work with – she is friendly, committed, competent, and knowledgeable.

Clara Bois, 
Project Manager of 
People Powered
Los Angeles, USA

Nadia helped me view situations from new perspectives, allowing me to precisely define my goals and strategies to reach them. Her experience with project management was very helpful and gave me insight on how to improve my communication effectiveness in projects.

Ruben Schmidt, 
Engineering Manager of 
Ignite Procurement
Oslo, Norway

Nadia is a great coach and I deeply value the time we have spent together. Due to her seasoned professional perspective, I made great progress with my business, my organization and my team. She creates a progressive balance between coaching, mentoring, advising and challenging. Thanks to her help, I have grown personally and improved my leadership capability, credibility and results.

Yurani Sandoval, 
Founder & CEO of 
Women Palante
Washington DC, USA

Through her judicious questions and her thorough understanding of the situation at our school, Nadia allowed us to progressively conceive and refine our project. With her excellent analytical skills, she quickly identified our needs in the communication department. Her preciseness and astute analyses were essential for constructing a strategic plan adapted to the needs of the school.

Principal of an international school
South Asia
Free resources

Assess Your Needs with Free Resources

Are you on the cusp of a big change? Is it a good time to take stock and create a plan for the journey ahead? Could a seasoned professional perspective help you move forward more effectively? Use my free resources to reflect on your current needs and understand whether you could benefit from my support.

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