Take a break: the miracle solution to boosting productivity and well-being!

Vacation habits vary dramatically across organizations and countries. In some work cultures, taking regular breaks is a well-established norm. But in others, going on holiday is frowned upon and even discouraged.

As it turns out, this is highly counter-productive — not just for individuals but also for businesses. A robust and growing body of research proves that taking sufficiently long breaks actually results in higher productivity and efficiency. Resting is also critical for employees’ well-being and health.

Have you been working constantly for months without respite? Are you feeling uninspired, unproductive or fatigued? If yes, going on vacation could be the best gift you give yourself — and your organization!

So, what is the ideal way to enjoy your holidays? The word “vacation” often conjures up visions of being on a secluded island paradise, disconnected from the world… Well, that is certainly blissful, but it isn’t the only way to relax and rejuvenate.

If you’re looking for some ideas, here are my top suggestions:

  • Disrupt the routine. Taking a step back from your everyday routine helps to bring your mind into vacation mode. It opens up space for you to unwind, reflect and replenish your creativity.
  • Get moving. Just a little exercise can help you reconnect with your body and mind. A cardio session pumps oxygen to the brain, enhancing cognitive health. Meanwhile, stretching and mindfulness practices will help you feel more grounded.
  • Find beauty. Beauty revives the spirit, which is the essence of a holiday. If you don’t have the chance to go to a scenic beach or trek through mighty mountains, why not enjoy beautiful places near you? Museums, botanical gardens, historical buildings…all of these can fill your soul with wonder.
  • Redefine luxury. Luxury can mean different things to different people. An abundance of time, being surrounded by nature, witnessing beautiful designs, breathing in pleasant fragrances, enjoying good company, exploring new flavors…find the luxury that matters most to you.

Ultimately, I feel the definition of “the best vacation” depends on you. This is something that also evolves over time: what you enjoy as a twenty-something will probably be quite different from what you enjoy in your forties and fifties!

Besides age, vacation preferences are also determined by your family situation, the type of activities you like, your available vacation time and your overall level of stress. For some people, vacations mean zero obligations and zero planning. For others, a good holiday involves a high level of movement and activity, perhaps in the form of workouts, sports or sightseeing.

If you find it hard to take a vacation, coaching could be a solution. Sessions with your coach offer a pause in your busy schedule. When taking time for yourself through coaching, you step back from your daily work and other tasks. By creating a much-needed distance from your routine, you can increase awareness about yourself and your environment. We can also work on ways to integrate more healthy breaks into your working life.

So, are you ready to be more productive?

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