Explore Nadia's Services

Explore Services


Led by Purpose, Anchored in Empathy

“Coaching helps professionals navigate change, take their game to the next level, and perform to the best of their abilities.”

Nadia Merdassi

As a coach, my role is to help clients achieve their personal best and thrive through big changes. I use tools like empathetic inquiry and mirroring techniques to create a safe space for reflection, exploration, and discovery. You will benefit from my seasoned professional perspective, combined with my genuine desire for you to succeed.

As we increase awareness and build clarity, you will find the answers to all your questions. (Hint: they are waiting within you!) We will then formulate an action plan together, so you can start implementation right away.

My coaching services are instrumental for:

First-time leaders and managers.

Are you taking on managerial or leadership responsibilities for the first time? Assume your new role with confidence and grace.

Professionals facing intercultural/diversity issues.

Are you struggling with cultural differences? Learn to embrace diversity and overcome barriers so you can continue to excel at work.

Professionals starting a challenging new position/project.

Is this a crucial moment for your career? Get the support you need to navigate a big change while still maintaining “business as usual”.

Managers who wish to leverage metrics and KPIs.

Are you trying to elevate your team’s performance? Use practical tools to draw out your team members’ strengths and facilitate their ability to work together.

Clients seeking to set SMART goals and priorities.

Do you want to optimize your professional outcomes and career growth? Let’s work together to clarify your mission and set milestones.

Clients seeking to level up through Global DISCTM.

With personality and cultural intelligence at its core, this award-winning tool enhances the coaching experience by helping you better orient your career, understand sources of tension, and work more efficiently with others.


grounded In expertise, Primed for solutions

“At the heart of consulting is co-creation. When we put our skills and expertise together, new doors open up.”

Nadia Merdassi

As a consultant, my role is to help companies solve key challenges and optimize their performance. After a thorough assessment, I will identify critical barriers and work closely with you to co-create pragmatic, result-oriented solutions.

You and your team will benefit from my operational experience and professional opinion, which combines technical knowledge with “soft” skills. My expertise lies in the following markets: Western Europe, Africa, India, the Middle East, and the USA.

My consulting services are instrumental for:

Creating a marketing & communication strategy.

I help you conduct a SWOT analysis, define your optimal marketing mix, and establish a communication strategy.

Providing strategic advice on project/product launch.

If your team is taking on a new challenge in one of my focus markets, let my experience guide the way.

Preparing teams for change.

I help teams build adaptability and resilience so they can be ready for any changes that come their way.

Building an action plan, timetable, and budget.

We work together to identify your most vital next steps. Each action point is paired with available resources and a timeline.

Enhancing project management, including using Agile.

Let’s team up to create dashboards, tools, and plans for your project. We can also jointly design a model for implementation and monitor KPIs to ensure growth.

Meet Me for a Virtual Coffee

Schedule a conversation with me to discuss your coaching/consulting needs. Let’s chat over a cup of coffee or tea!